Domo kun ♥

Domo kun ♥

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

that should be me, holding your hand, that should be me, making you laugh, that should be me, this is so sad, that should be me, that should be me, that should be me, feeling your kiss, that should be me, buying you gifts, this is so wrong, i can't go on, till you believe, that should be me 
Justin Bieber, even though I HATE YOU, but your song is making me touched :')

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Camera Of My Dreams ! ♥

This is it ! If I have straight A's in my PMR, I'll have this camera babe ! Aahhh ! I can't wait !! >//< Nikon D90 wait for me ! You will be mine soon ! xDD Mwahahahahaha ! I hope I pass with flying colors, AMIN ! >o< chaiyok chaiyok ! Form 3 ! I'm struggling for you ! Books ! Be prepared to be torn !

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Servant ♥

That ish my servant :DD Isn't she sweet ? I miss her so much ! She's in her exams now so we don't have time to talk )): Ganbatte ganbatte Kitty Chan ! ( since she is my servant I call her Walatucki, but her evil little " brother " - also my friend - doesn't like me calling her Turkey - nickname for Walatucki - so I decided to call her Kitty since she likes being called like that =w= ) *goodluckunderstandingthis* I wish she pass with flying colors :DD
Okay this guy is so kawaii ! He makes me wanna eat him ! >w< it's a good thing i'm single so my " boyfriend " isn't jealous i'm looking at him 24 / 7 xD OHMAIGOWD, dude, be my boyfriend

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Stars Chapter 4

It was her senior ! Elric Daichi, the school's most top 10 girl's would die to go out with. ' What the hell is he doing with my bag ? ' She flinched and snatch her bag back " Why are you here so late ? " She raised and eyebrow, he didn't say a word and pushed her against the wall " Wha - " He closed her mouth " Just listen for a moment before you go screaming for help, I just wanted you to know tht besides Taeyo, I've also like you since middle school, and I'm not gonna let that brat get to you " Her eyes widened, Elric and Taeyo was best friends. And they're going to fight each other just because of her ? She bites his hand and push him away " BAKA ! Don't ruin your friendship just because of me ! " She quickly grabbed her bag and went out the gym, " Ready ? " She look up and saw Taeyo, " Can we atleast go home and change first ? " He smirk, " Okay "

- In The Showers -
She sighed and sat down, putting her legs on her chest and lays her head " Why I have to exist ? Why do they have to separate because of me ? Does God hate me ? " She whispered softly, asking herself. She wanted to ask so many, but who will give her answers ? Chichi ? Even though she is her best friend but she doesn't want to burden her with her problems. The door was knocked " Mika - chan ? Are you done yet ? " " I'm almost done " She shouted softly " I'll wait downstairs kay ? " She heard his foot steps getting far " She put on some casual clothes, a top with an emo teddy bear, blue jeans and a hoodie, she went downstairs " Well hello sexy " She glares at him " Are we going or not ? " He chuckles and carries her all the way to the festival, of course, Mikami protest.

- The Next Day -
Yes ! It's Sunday ! She stretch out her hands and relax on the sofa, suddenly her phone rang " Hello ? ~ " She  knew it was Chichi, who else would it be ? "Mika - sannnnnnnnn, how about we go to the beach ? " Mikami laughed " What a great idea ! Anyway it sure is a hot day, so I'll go " Mikami said happily, she loved to go out with her friend, especially if it's the holidays. " Good ! I already called a couple of friends and I also invited you Taeyo - kun yesterday, see you at the beach ! " Tup, the line was out. ' HE'S coming ?! Oh no ! 

To Be Continued

Tae Yang ;D

Hawt ?   Of course ya all !!! xDD His name is Tae Yang from Big Bang OHMAIGAWD ! Rasa nak peluk je dia kuat kuat !

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Stars Chapter 3

Mikami's eyes twitched, it was VALENTINE's day. And this part she hated, her " FANS " who thinks her as a guy, giving her chocolates, she wanted to pretend to be sick and just stayed home watching tv, but Taeyo just had to forced her.

- Randomly At Ichinami High -
As usual her desk was full of chocolates, but she noticed something different, there was a letter, she never received a letter before in valentine's day. She stares at it and puts it in her bag. ' I'll read it later ' , she tough. " Mika-san ! " Chichi glomps her, " Chichi ! You scared me ! " Mikami pouted, Chichi giggled and gave her a letter " Here ~ Your bro ask me to give this to you, he said it was very important " She smiled. Mikami raise an eyebrow ' I wonder if he sent me the other letter ' She bit her lip.

- Recess - 
She went to the gym, opening her letter from her brother first. She read it.
Dear Mika-chan,
I just wanted to tell you if you like to go out with me, I have two tickets to the funfair and seems my friend couldn't make it so I was thinking why not invite you ? I'll be waiting at the school's gate.
 She sighed, she couldn't do anything 'cause Taeyo wouldn't give up, he would sleep there if he had too. She smiled a bit, missing the moments when they younger, they are always together, like peanut butter and jelly. They were popular back when they were kids 'cause all the trouble they caused. And now do they end up being lovers ? She shake her and took the other letter, it wasn't Taeyo's hand writing. She was about to open it when the gym's door was open and saw Taeyo's class ' Oh crap ! ' She tried to run away but the teacher called out for her " Well well Mikami-san, I was just about to tell you brother for calling you here " Mr. Takumi smilled " Sensei Takumi what a surprise " Mikami laughed nervously, " How about you teach this whimps the right way of playing dodge ball ? " Makimi raised an eyebrow and looked at Taeyo, he smirked and made her annoyed " OKAY ! " She went to change and came back with a creepy aura, " Mikami and Taeyo will become the Captain ! Now pick your teammates ! " Both Mikami and Taeyo had 8 people in their team, " Don't think I'm going to hold my guard " Mikami spin the ball with her finger, Taeyo smirk " I know you wont ", " Let the war begin ! " Mr. Takumi shouted.

- Almost Ending -
" As I expected, they both have the potential " Mr. Takumi smirked, Mikami and Taeyo are both panting of exhaustion, " This will keep you down " She knock the ball really hard, Taeyo managed to hold it but it was too strong and his face was on the floor, " Winner ! Mikami ! " Mr. Takumi announced, Mikami went to clean herself and school was finally over, as she was half way to the gate she forgot her bag. She ran and opened the door seeing someone putting a letter on her bag " Hey ! What are you doing ?! " It was . . .

To Be Continued

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Stars Chapter 2

It's been 2 weeks since the " accident " happened, Mikami always wished things would never change but she was wrong, Taeyo changed since he confess. He's more being a " friend " than a brother, she always tried to avoid him but he knew every single thing she did, and EVERYTHING. She sigh and look outside the window, " Whats wrong Mika-san ? " Mikami look and saw Chichi smiling, she smiled back and adjust the way she's seating, but still watching outside. " It's nothing really, just having an awkward moment with my brother " She sighed, " Did he say something stupid ? " Chichi blinked a few times " Something like that " Mikami laugh nervously, " Oi Mikami ! Your bro wants to see you ! " Shouts her classmate, she sighed again and walk to the door, arm crossed " What is it this time ? " She raised an eyebrow, Taeyo smiled and chuckled " Can't I visit my sweet sister ? " Her eyes twitched " Okay, whatever " She wanted to get away from him as soon as possible but her hand was being pulled. And then he took her to the store room, " What the hell ?! Are you crazy or something ?! " He lean her against the wall, closing the space between them " I am, about you " He smirks, she blushed and tried to push him, but he was too strong ' When did he get so big ?! ' She though, he was holding her chin up, making her look at him, she looked away, with a red face " Let go of me dummy ! " " Why ? " He kissed her cheek, " Do you really want us caught being together ?! " Her face became redder, he chuckled " If there is someone caught us here, I'm gonna say a yes, it'll make my job easier ~ " He laughs, Mikami glare at him and sigh ' He never changes, still got that annoying side of him ' But then she had a small smile, as she recalled the past, " Whats with the smile ? Remembering me ? " He smiled, she blushed and looked away " It's nothing baka, I'm out of here " She twist the door knob " No way, you forgot something " She turned to him " And what is th - " She was cut off him kissing her, she blushed and quickly went back to her class ' THAT DUMMY ! ' She screamed in her mind.

To Be Continued

Sunday, October 23, 2011

He's Singing My Favourite Song ♥

oh Sam, do you really have to be this prefect ? you make me fall in love with you even more ♥ if you keep that up i wont let you go ;) haha, just kidding just kidding. but your still in my heart ♥ :)) This is a picture of him singing my fav song, The Only Exception by Paramore :DD

Friday, October 21, 2011

Sam Tsui :)

I love his determination to sing <3 it gives me the spirit to sing also :) his songs makes me calm and forget all my troubles <3 i love his new song " Rihanna - We Found Love ( Sam Tsui Cover ) " it makes me thinks of my love story dream <3 waiting for my prince charming holding out his hands for me (: thinking of it makes me smile. you guys should try and listen to it. it is really beautiful, love you Sam <3

Lee Jong HYUN !

Omaigod <3 !!!! ny la pujaan hatiku ! Lee, kalau la kau dtg Malaysia gerenty aku tembak sume org yg nk dekat kau :DD aku la pemuja kau yang setia <3 Tp sorry laaaa ada skandal eh ? :DD Ngan org big bang <3 tp tp aq x ingat nama dia :I xpe la, asal kn Lee aq ada je da cukup <3 :)) oh Lee Jong Hyun let me be your Hyun too ! <3 xDD *overthelimit :I

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Drawings :DD

The first picture is a tomboy :I since I AM A TOMBOY, so i drew a picture of one, but sadly my hair ISN'T short. The second picture reminds me of my profile picture so I drew it, so i guess i was only drawing myself O: The third picture reminds me of Ahiru, in Princess Tutu. Hope you like it :))

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Stars Chapter 1

Mikami took a deep breath and stared at the photo infront of her, her brother, Taeyo, is going out with her childhood enemy, Nana. She sigh, Taeyo and she was always close, they were like peanut butter and jam, always sticking out together, they even promised not to get married, until today she found out he was finally going out. Taeyo was the same age as her, actually Taeyo is only a foster child but she loved him as a brother anyways, her parents died in a car accident, only she and Taeyo survived. Mikami is different from other girls, she's more to a " tomboy " style than a " all pink girly cute " style. She was active in sports, everyday she and her brother would always practice soccer after school. Mikami is the first girl in the soccer team in Ichinami High. Some of the girls also send her love letters thinking she was really a guy, and there are also girls who make fun of her by calling her " Grim Reaper " 'cause saying it's her fault her parents died. First she was furious they called her that but soon she was cool with it, she even liked the name but not the reason they call her that. She had lots of guy friends, but only one gal friends, Chichi, Chichi always understand her, Mikami thinks of her like a sister. She was so worked up with the photo she didn't notice someone, laying on the wall, smiling with his arm crossed " Ehemm " She jumped a little and turned around, seeing her brother there " What are you doing here ? " Her eyes was wide open " I should be asking you that since this is my room " He smirks, she glanced at him, and he laughed. She got irritated and got up walking out of the room. But a hand grab her waist, she turned 90 degrees and her face with his was only inches away, her face went red " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING BAKA ?! " He was still holding her with a serious look " We're only friends " " What ? " " Me and Nana, we're only friends " She tried to get away " What do I care if your friends or lovers ?! Now let the hell go of me ! " He held her even tighter " I care ! " She raise an eyebrow " Because ? " He looked away for a second, looking unsure " Because I love you " Her eyes went wide " What ? What did you say ? I'm not sure if I'm hearing right " He look deep into her eyes " I love you okay ! " She almost fell, good thing he was holding her " Y - your crazy ! " In a blink, he was kissing her. She push him. TAEYO KISSED ME ! She hold her lips, that was her first kiss, her face was red. She was so mixed up with emotions right now. Angry, embarrassed and confused " Since we were kids I never though you as a sister, I always wanted us to be more but I knew you wouldn't accept me, so I've waited, and now I can't hold it much longer, I love you Mika - chan " Mikami was on the floor, still confused. Why me ? Why of all people he had to love me ? I'm not good enough for him ? I'm not . . . perfect. She look up at him " Why ? " " What ? " " Why do you love me ? There are more prettier girls out there, more elegant, more - " He cuts her off with another kiss. " I don't care about them, I just want you " She was lost off words.

To Be Continued

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

KONICHIWA 2011!!!!

Yo! It's been a long time since I write here XD Hohoho~ Hello everyone!!! Jaja is here and writing!:DD wow there's so much things I wanna tell you guys! School has soooo many students in form 1 and they are so little and kawaii(cute)!!! >//< i just wanna hug them!

Didi is having love trouble,Fifi is being friends with the guy she loves. FaSya  is trying to forget her past and keep going as a single girl~ While Lili dosen't know who to pic as a boyfriend. Jeez. What a busy year ~.~ and the worst part is I'm HELPING YUSNI(Haffizan) with his girlfriend!!! Wow. Many about love o,o
Well I have 3 new friends Fia,Ida and Fauziah. They're really nice and I'm glad that they're not preps. I'm even more a "devil" this year because the guys in my class wont SHUT UP. So I have to teach them a lil lesson :DD (If you know what I mean. And yes it is kicking ass! XDD )

Wow~ This year is a very busy year. And now I LOVE J-Pop and K-Pop :DD got updates for K-Pop from Aida. My darling, Kim-Chan is trying to start a new life :3 hohoho~ good luck darling! I'll always pray for your happines!
 It's been a while since I opened facebook and now facebook is gonna shut down in 15th March. ~.~
The pic. Hm~ I don't know who to tag in facebook XDD ahahaha. But I gave it to my big sis, Kak Miera. Well now I'm always fighting with Iman now. He's really annoying =.= Well thats all for today. Bye bye guys!