Domo kun ♥

Domo kun ♥

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Stars Chapter 1

Mikami took a deep breath and stared at the photo infront of her, her brother, Taeyo, is going out with her childhood enemy, Nana. She sigh, Taeyo and she was always close, they were like peanut butter and jam, always sticking out together, they even promised not to get married, until today she found out he was finally going out. Taeyo was the same age as her, actually Taeyo is only a foster child but she loved him as a brother anyways, her parents died in a car accident, only she and Taeyo survived. Mikami is different from other girls, she's more to a " tomboy " style than a " all pink girly cute " style. She was active in sports, everyday she and her brother would always practice soccer after school. Mikami is the first girl in the soccer team in Ichinami High. Some of the girls also send her love letters thinking she was really a guy, and there are also girls who make fun of her by calling her " Grim Reaper " 'cause saying it's her fault her parents died. First she was furious they called her that but soon she was cool with it, she even liked the name but not the reason they call her that. She had lots of guy friends, but only one gal friends, Chichi, Chichi always understand her, Mikami thinks of her like a sister. She was so worked up with the photo she didn't notice someone, laying on the wall, smiling with his arm crossed " Ehemm " She jumped a little and turned around, seeing her brother there " What are you doing here ? " Her eyes was wide open " I should be asking you that since this is my room " He smirks, she glanced at him, and he laughed. She got irritated and got up walking out of the room. But a hand grab her waist, she turned 90 degrees and her face with his was only inches away, her face went red " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING BAKA ?! " He was still holding her with a serious look " We're only friends " " What ? " " Me and Nana, we're only friends " She tried to get away " What do I care if your friends or lovers ?! Now let the hell go of me ! " He held her even tighter " I care ! " She raise an eyebrow " Because ? " He looked away for a second, looking unsure " Because I love you " Her eyes went wide " What ? What did you say ? I'm not sure if I'm hearing right " He look deep into her eyes " I love you okay ! " She almost fell, good thing he was holding her " Y - your crazy ! " In a blink, he was kissing her. She push him. TAEYO KISSED ME ! She hold her lips, that was her first kiss, her face was red. She was so mixed up with emotions right now. Angry, embarrassed and confused " Since we were kids I never though you as a sister, I always wanted us to be more but I knew you wouldn't accept me, so I've waited, and now I can't hold it much longer, I love you Mika - chan " Mikami was on the floor, still confused. Why me ? Why of all people he had to love me ? I'm not good enough for him ? I'm not . . . perfect. She look up at him " Why ? " " What ? " " Why do you love me ? There are more prettier girls out there, more elegant, more - " He cuts her off with another kiss. " I don't care about them, I just want you " She was lost off words.

To Be Continued

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