Domo kun ♥

Domo kun ♥

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Stars Chapter 4

It was her senior ! Elric Daichi, the school's most top 10 girl's would die to go out with. ' What the hell is he doing with my bag ? ' She flinched and snatch her bag back " Why are you here so late ? " She raised and eyebrow, he didn't say a word and pushed her against the wall " Wha - " He closed her mouth " Just listen for a moment before you go screaming for help, I just wanted you to know tht besides Taeyo, I've also like you since middle school, and I'm not gonna let that brat get to you " Her eyes widened, Elric and Taeyo was best friends. And they're going to fight each other just because of her ? She bites his hand and push him away " BAKA ! Don't ruin your friendship just because of me ! " She quickly grabbed her bag and went out the gym, " Ready ? " She look up and saw Taeyo, " Can we atleast go home and change first ? " He smirk, " Okay "

- In The Showers -
She sighed and sat down, putting her legs on her chest and lays her head " Why I have to exist ? Why do they have to separate because of me ? Does God hate me ? " She whispered softly, asking herself. She wanted to ask so many, but who will give her answers ? Chichi ? Even though she is her best friend but she doesn't want to burden her with her problems. The door was knocked " Mika - chan ? Are you done yet ? " " I'm almost done " She shouted softly " I'll wait downstairs kay ? " She heard his foot steps getting far " She put on some casual clothes, a top with an emo teddy bear, blue jeans and a hoodie, she went downstairs " Well hello sexy " She glares at him " Are we going or not ? " He chuckles and carries her all the way to the festival, of course, Mikami protest.

- The Next Day -
Yes ! It's Sunday ! She stretch out her hands and relax on the sofa, suddenly her phone rang " Hello ? ~ " She  knew it was Chichi, who else would it be ? "Mika - sannnnnnnnn, how about we go to the beach ? " Mikami laughed " What a great idea ! Anyway it sure is a hot day, so I'll go " Mikami said happily, she loved to go out with her friend, especially if it's the holidays. " Good ! I already called a couple of friends and I also invited you Taeyo - kun yesterday, see you at the beach ! " Tup, the line was out. ' HE'S coming ?! Oh no ! 

To Be Continued

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