Domo kun ♥

Domo kun ♥

Monday, January 13, 2014

Bye bye 2013, and HELLO TO 2014 !

Hey guys ! I know what your thinking.
Yeah, been busy with school and stuff.
I'm finally Form 5 this year ! How scary and exciting is that ? Is it exciting ? I don't think so, maybe, maybe not, IDON'TKNOWWWWWWWWW.
Anyways, I wish you guys a Happy New Year and good luck to you guys who have important exams this year ! Like MEEEEEEE ! I have SPM this year, goddamnblammit, for those who are living in Malaysia and are Form 2 or 3, enjoy your youth while you still can. Oh and don't go around chasing " monkey love " or whatever. It's just a waste of time. Enjoy your moment with friends, families and teachers. YES, I SAID TEACHERS. You CAN enjoy a great time with them. You just have to know how to communicate well with them. EVEN with you Mathematics teacher. Even though he or she is giving a lot of homework ( like my teacher does ), they're just helping by making us smarter. IF you do your homework that is. Oh and for my form 4 juniors, ADD MATHS is not hard. It will be hard if you keep thinking that way. Try thinking something positive like " I can do this ! ", InsyaAllah you'll be able to do it :)
Thanks for reading my rants. Happy 2014 ! 

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