Domo kun ♥

Domo kun ♥

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

KONICHIWA 2011!!!!

Yo! It's been a long time since I write here XD Hohoho~ Hello everyone!!! Jaja is here and writing!:DD wow there's so much things I wanna tell you guys! School has soooo many students in form 1 and they are so little and kawaii(cute)!!! >//< i just wanna hug them!

Didi is having love trouble,Fifi is being friends with the guy she loves. FaSya  is trying to forget her past and keep going as a single girl~ While Lili dosen't know who to pic as a boyfriend. Jeez. What a busy year ~.~ and the worst part is I'm HELPING YUSNI(Haffizan) with his girlfriend!!! Wow. Many about love o,o
Well I have 3 new friends Fia,Ida and Fauziah. They're really nice and I'm glad that they're not preps. I'm even more a "devil" this year because the guys in my class wont SHUT UP. So I have to teach them a lil lesson :DD (If you know what I mean. And yes it is kicking ass! XDD )

Wow~ This year is a very busy year. And now I LOVE J-Pop and K-Pop :DD got updates for K-Pop from Aida. My darling, Kim-Chan is trying to start a new life :3 hohoho~ good luck darling! I'll always pray for your happines!
 It's been a while since I opened facebook and now facebook is gonna shut down in 15th March. ~.~
The pic. Hm~ I don't know who to tag in facebook XDD ahahaha. But I gave it to my big sis, Kak Miera. Well now I'm always fighting with Iman now. He's really annoying =.= Well thats all for today. Bye bye guys!